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Nov 29, 2021

MilMoneyCon is happening April 21-23, 2022 in Cary, NC.

I’m so happy to be able to make the announcement.

MilMoneyCon is a conference for military financial professionals. That means financial coaches, counselors, planners, educators, influencers, students, and writers from the military community.

In this episode, I...

Nov 22, 2021

Taxes aren’t top of the fun things to do every year. In fact, it’s something that a lot of us avoid. But if you do a little planning and preparation in advance, it can make tax time and your finances run a little smoother.

In this episode, I talk with Benjamin Brandt about the list of tax items you should review at...

Nov 15, 2021

TRICARE not only helps take care of your health, but it also protects your wealth. Travel is a way of life for many military and veteran families. If we’ve learned anything in the military is that anytime you travel, Murphy’s Law, something is going to go wrong. Unfortunately, many times that can be your...

Nov 8, 2021

Taking small steps to financial independence can have a big impact on your retirement. Many people talk about F.I.R.E or financial independence, retire early. But what are the steps you should take to get there? And does F.I.R.E look the same for everyone?

In this episode, my guest, Doug Nordman shares the steps you...

Nov 1, 2021

Happy Small Business Week to my fellow veterans. If you want to start a business, there’s a lot to know beyond your craft or the thing you are selling. Lack of knowledge can hurt your businesses financially.

In this episode, Will Scott breaks down the things transition veterans can do to start a small business, how to...