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Jul 26, 2021

Many military spouses head up the finances for their households. The frequent moves and deployments make it easier for the military spouses and often military wives to be the money point person whether you have experience or confidence to manage money or not.

Catherine Alford is the author of the book Mom's Got Money:...

Jul 19, 2021

Starting a non-profit after military service is an option some aren’t aware of. Creating your own non-profit to do the work you love and to help others is an opportunity you can take if you prepare.

My guest, Mike Steadman, the Founder & CEO of IRONBOUND Boxing & Education, did just that. Mike, a three-time National...

Jul 12, 2021

Not everyone is content to live off of service member's pay alone. Military spouses want to make money and many service members want to make additional income. People want a better quality of life and are willing to do the work to make more money but how do you do it?

A growing path to earn money anywhere, anytime is by...

Jul 5, 2021

Figuring out what you want to be after you retire or separate from the military is a big decision. Or figuring out a career that works well with military life can be a challenge for spouses. If you’re going to work as a financial professional, there’s a lot to do and know before starting that career path. 
